Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Few Good Weeks

Monday at the Food Bank is always more fun when there is an abundance of food to give to our families. The last two weeks have been amazing. This week our boxes were filled to the point that the boxes wouldn't close. Summer is always good for fruits & vegetables for obvious reasons, but this week was over the top.

Summer creates other challenges though, like having enough staff to make it happen. Many of our volunteers are on vacation. If you have a Mondays open, we would gladly accept your help.

It is always good to get a phone call from one of our families saying that they no longer need our services because they got a job. We have had a few of these calls in the past few weeks. One in particular is a woman we have been serving for a few years. She has been working toward getting her qualifications to be an x-ray technician. This week she called saying she got a job in her field and can now take care of her family. It is encouraging when the system works. Now we can add another family from our waiting list.



Tuesday, July 6, 2010


The food bank operates regardless of the weather. Yesterday was no exception, and it was HOT. Sunday night As I was drifting off to sleep, I asked God for an a lot of food for our families on Monday. When we got to the distribution center the place was wall to wall with food. We had more vegetables, fruits and non-perishables than we had seen in months. The bus was packed. And it was HOT. I think on average we lost about 5 pounds each as we loaded, unloaded, packed and then reloaded the food for our families.

I was amazed at how good natured our volunteers were in the heat. Lots of water and Gatorade were consumed. At the end of the day our 120 families received a healthy box of food to help them through the week. Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor. The biggest food haul of the year on the hottest day of the year. Be careful what you pray for.

It was a good week.
