Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Making a difference at Christmas

It is amazing to me how generous people are at this time of year. We are now serving 90 families a week in the food bank and 100 lunches a week in the school lunch program. We do special food baskets at Christmas, giving each family a full Christmas dinner. Turkey, potatoes, veggies, juice, etc. We also started an "adopt a family initiative" to provide presents for the kids in our families.

Now, back to my amazement.... All of our families have been adopted. This means that all of our kids will be getting Christmas gifts. Moneys for the Christmas dinner has been coming in as well. Two months ago, we wondered , with the economy being what it is, if we would get enough funds to supply Christmas dinner for everyone. So far, we are on target with last year.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us out this year. We are truly making a difference.



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