Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We need your help

We have been waiting 5 months for Metro Caisse to deliver our walk-in fridge that is fully paid for. They have been promising that it will be delivered every week. It turns out they sold us something they did not have. It cost us about $4000, which is a ton of cash to a charity. Mr. Roy, the owner continually promises results he has no intention of producing. How can you help? I am asking EVERYONE to call Metro and inquire as to when our fridge will be delivered. something like, " I am calling on behalf of On Rock Ministries, when will you be delivering our fridge". We have turned down $1000s of dollars of food because we do not have this fridge. Please help us. The # is 514-273-2274. Call often. Thank you.

1 comment:

Africa Youth Ministries said...

Lakeshore Soccerfest on August 20-­21, 2011 For details follow