Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Christmas Already!

Yes, Christmas is upon us. The day after Halloween, Starbucks had their Christmas decorations and menus up. This is also when we begin planning for our Christmas baskets. We are serving 160 families now. The number seems to grow every week. We already have 5 or six families who have come on board to supply Christmas dinner and gifts for kids to some of our families. It is amazing to experience the generosity that this season brings out.

Our Tim Horton's food collection has begun as well. Four Tim's this year are providing food for On Rock through their Christmas drive. St. Charles(north), Beaconsfield, St. John's and Sources stores are helping us out. So, drop in, have a coffee or a meal and bring some non-perishables with you. A big thank you to these stores for giving back to the community.

The Community Diner is planning a Christmas dinner for some of our friends in the neighborhood as well. This is a first for us and a big undertaking, but it should be a lot of fun.

If you would like to be involved in providing Christmas for one of our families, please contact us and we will set you up.



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