Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Frozen Meals Arrive

I received a call yesterday from a friend telling me that a guy he knew had 5 or 6 pallets of frozen meals to give away. I jumped on the offer and called the generous individual right away. At 6:30 this morning we picked up 6 pallets of frozen meals from a loading dock in St. Laurent. Our problem was, we only have 5 available freezers. We called up Westview Bible Church and filled a freezer there as well. We still had 4 pallets of food!

We decided to take a box, containing anywhere from 30-50 meals each to our food bank recipients. Can you imagine the look on there faces when they receive a whole box of these meals. It puts a smile on my face.

We still had 2 pallets! I called up a friend at the Old Brewery Mission to see if they could use the rest. An hour later their truck pulled up and took the last two pallets. It is amazing how this one guy making a phone call set off a chain of events that will feed hundreds of people, and it was all done before lunch. What a great day.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't you love having to work out the logistics of "problems" like that? That's a good day!

I'm glad I ran into you at Street Level...I'm hoping to come out to Quebec this year...I'd love to drop by and see it all firsthand.

Keep on, Kim.

Shelly VanBinsbergen