Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy New Year

The New Year is upon us.  Happy New Year!  2014 was a crazy year.  It was busy and it went by at a ridiculous pace, at least that is how it felt.  We made some new alliances that will have a long term effect on the work that we do.  West Island Community Shares partnered with us, which will be a great help financially.  We appreciate their endorsement of our work.  We also had a great year of media exposure, which has benefited us in so many ways, including new revenue, volunteers and even board members.

Our Christmas basket initiative was a great success, even with our "turkey challenge" with Walmart, which garnered us more media exposure, and we ended up with more turkeys that we had hoped for.  Over the Christmas delivery weekend, we distributed $53,000 in food and $25,000 in gifts to 205 families.  Amazing!

Now, we look forward to the challenges and prospects of this new year.  We are ready for the ride.  Please join us, as we strive to make a dent in the poverty issues of our West Island.



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